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Super High Quality Tire Glue with gluing tip doesn't leavs white traces
The BEST product to prepare your rims and tires before gluing 100ml
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To be Glued\n4 tires 4 Inserts 4 Donuts Racing V3 yellow rims
To be Glued\n4 tires 4 Inserts 4 Donuts Racing V3 White rims
To be Glued\n4 tires 4 Inserts 4 Donuts Racing V3 yellow rims
To be Glued\n4 Tires4 Inserts4 Donuts-Racing White Rims
To be Glued\n4 Tires4 Inserts4 Donuts-Racing Yellow Medium Hard Rims
To be Glued\n4 tires 4 Inserts 4 Donuts Racing V3 white rims
To be Glued\n4 tires 4 Inserts 4 Donuts Racing V3 yellow rims
To be Glued\n4 Tires4 Inserts4 Donuts-Racing White Rims
To be Glued\n4 Tires4 Inserts4 Donuts-Racing Yellow Medium Hard Rims