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Custom made name stickers on A4 sheetHigh quality custom stickers printed on Polymer Vinyl, plastified and cutedAround 60 stickers on a A4 SheetProduction without preview
Printed on High quality thin polymer vinyl Laminated in high quality clear polymer VinylA4 Sheet (21x30cm)Note that on fluo Vinyl we can only print in BlackNO PREVIEW will be sent
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Two (identical) customized chassi platesNo preview will be sent Printed on high quality polymer vinyl with ultra high resistence laminationof 270µ thickness1) Choose you chassis plate2) Choose your design3) Add a sponor or name4) add comments Best if sticked to a brand new plate after being degreased
2pcs of same design Printed on high gloss polymer vinyl and laminated with High gloss polymer nivylVery light weight To be cutted and adjuested according to your chassis plateChoose your design
Clear Chassis protective tape 15x50cmVery light weight To be cutted and adjusted according to your chassis plate
Smart Com Headset custom coveringPrinted on high gloss polymer vinyl and laminated with High gloss polymer vinyl
Eartec Headset custom coveringPrinted on high gloss polymer vinyl and laminated with High gloss polymer nivyl
Sold by 1 set -Fill the custom fields-You can also upload one picture (ini 1Mo)-Type your name and font-Comment or write any note We take care of providing you the best stickers
Sold by 2 pcs -Choose your wing in the right hand side menu-Fill in the fields below-you can also import a picture-Write any comment we take care of the creation
Custom setup bordMade of 10mm thick PVCPrinted on high gloss polymer vinyl and laminated with High gloss polymer nivylVery light weight NO PREVIEW will be sent
For DONT-0600 Sold by 1pc -Choose your wing in the right hand side menu-Fill in the fields below-you can also import a picture-Write any comment we take care of the creation